Friday 18 April 2014

The recent revelation that the so called Boko Haram insurgents have kidnapped more than a hundred school girls is monstrous and despicable.
Looking at the Federal Republic of Nigeria, one will visualize a dismal picture. Our country which we have pledged to be faithful, loyal and honest is failing its citizens which are bent on sacrificing their all for the prosperity of the nation. A shocking look at our nation, we would without much ado realize that our one time a great nation is now characterized by political inequality, economic instability and social insensitivity.
Pardon my digression, but it is pertinent to note that the happenings of today is anchored on other occurences prior to now which the government have failed woefully to contain. How will a country like the Federal Republic of Nigeria with all the resources at her dis
posal be flippant in containing this security situation despite the self-acclamation of being the giant of Africa. Does our action in re
cent times showcase the name we have been trumpheting for many years? How can young innocent girls be whisked away just like peguins? Have human beings become grossly insignificant that this nation of ours disregard our safety despite security alerts and even warning from the Boko Haram insurgents? Haba! How can the insurgents comfortably abduct more
than a hundred girls with relative ease with as many vehicles as possible on a government ro
ad without being noticed and allowed to be taken into the forest to possibly their hiding abode? Are the insurgents more intelligent than our security agents? Is the budget they present to their own National Assembly more than ours that they procure superior fire arms and ammunition? Is the government sincere to us that it is winning the war against this insurgents? This are all questions based on rhetorics because only our good conscience will answer them appropriately but as a lawyer in the training I will say "RES IPSA LIQUITOR"
The recent happenings in this country epitomizes our government's lack of commitment to the actualization of security of life and property in Nigeria, it showcases our government's insincerity in tackling the menace, it depicts the failure of our state to emulate our heroes past, it portrays the flippant nature of our security system.
When singing the National Anthem my spirit of patriotism is failing me because it simply tells me that if care is not taken, the labour of our heroes past will sooner or later be in vain. As a patriotic Nigeria, I believe we would reach the promise land. But my fear is my own definition of promise land is optimistic while I dont know the government's definition of promise land, one would hope it is not pessimistic. Let us urge the goverment to be sincere to us and be truly commited to making the Federal Republic of Nigeria a united nation which posterity will be glad they belong. I will simply like to end this on a philosophical note which says "NOTHING IS HIDDEN WHICH IS NOT A SECRET AND NOTHING IS FOUND WHICH IS NOT A TREASURE". Our beloved leaders please settle your political problems within yourselves because hiding it and playing it on the entire populace is highly detrimental to the growth of our beloved nation. I still pledge to Nigeria my country, to be faithful, loyal and honest, to serve Nigeria with all my strenght, to defend her unity and to uphold her honor and glory. I am presently exercising the particular act of being honest and honesty is the basis of this article. May the Almighty continue to guide us as a nation.

Shamsuddeen Magaji B/Kebbi, DRS writes from Kaduna State. 08167920573

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