Monday 14 April 2014


Omobitan Ifedolapo: PRECOGNITION


I staggered in like a drunkard, fell on my welcoming bed,stared at a dim flag by my has green and.....finally sleep stole me away.
.....A green field
Monkeys hopping from one tree to the other,Birds make a high pitch noise,
Butterflies display their colours,Children clasps their cymbals
Skipping here and there
Lovers in romantic atmosphere
A cocoon of a caring family
......Sounds of heavy foot steps
Gbam ! Gbam ! Gbam!

Nearer and nearer it approaches
Sounds like the dance of mortal and pestle.
Its here they say!!
Its first step on the field turned the green field into a brown field,Cracking bones of animals fell.
Closer and closer it became,
It's first glance took away the light,
Darkness filled the earth.
Its heavy feet popped into the water
And behold!...dry lands.
It bent low on the children, lovers, fathers and mothers, clenched them together and squashed them.
Humans we're weary,sick and pale.
It has abducted our domain.
....It walked past me but didn't see me
A pulpit, it held tight onto and spoke with a horrible voice
..."I am the dictator''....
..."I rule your world"
Suddenly breeze blew my white gown and light crept in from my hidden spot and shown on its face
..He turned his massive body'
Behold a fat, tall, bald looking monster
Who are you he roared?
...Out of fear came a voice...I am the voice of the youth that refused to be drowned,
why do we run this relay and the baton has refused to pass?
Why have we allowed this monster pierce our future?
Must we at all times allow our innate abilities to be held in a curfew
Our future has lost his lustre
We need our lee-way
Let's reach our eyrie
And stop them from giving us carnards let's stop this old fuddy puddy monster
Let our straining voices be tuned to high pitch
Let's kindle a fire
Let's beseige the power
Until its withdrawn unto us
Until the light shines upon the world
Until our voices are heard
Until water flows are unstoppable
Until our sick regain strength
Until our fields are ever green

Ifedolapo is an optimist, an event planner(CEO bittany events services), a writer and a poet, she writes mostly on love and sometimes on politics


  1. Thanks for publishing my article. ..

  2. Interesting. May the voice of the good youths prevail in the end. Thumbs up ma'am.
