Friday 18 April 2014

I have never seen anywhere in this world where a child cries without a sane mother immediately attending to her needs. Even that mad woman you see on the street will throw tantrum at anybody who dares to tamper with her beloved child.
When Nigeria was conceived in 1960, many rejoiced and celebrated. Perhaps, they thought there was a reason to so rejoice. Hmmmm! They cannot be blamed afterall.
First, the military made the attempt to nurse and protect its child, but unfortunately it failed because as many thought, it was repressive, corrupt and undemocratic.  The euphoria in the nation now is crucial to the understanding that the present democratic undertaking will succeed. We embraced democracy because we believed it will bring about increase in the role of the ordinary people to humanize the society. I, like many others have been deceiving myself thinking democracy is for the people. But on the contrary, the term democracy has become a government of the leaders, by the leaders and for the leaders. In my own view, a leader should be someone who exerts unusual influence and considerable power. A leader is one who makes things happen that which would not happen otherwise. If the leader causes changes that he intended, he has exercised power, however, if he causes changes that he did not intend or want, he has exercised influence. (McFarland, 1969).
If u ask me, I’ll say my mother is a good leader and I’m double sure that your response will be the same as mine. But the questions that keeps creeping into my mind is whose mother is Nigeria as a whole? Definitely not mine because I, for one, am not so confident to willfully and joyfully refer to this nation as ‘my motherland’. For unlike my mother, who would give the world to ensure and safeguard my security, my ‘arbitrary’ mother turns deaf ears to her child’s loud cry. Or what name do we give to all the disastrous events that have been eating so deep into our dear country. 
The Boko Haram insurgencies is more than a handful already. Our so called motherland has become a synonym for fear and bloodshed. We can no longer boast of safety even in our own mother’s ‘womb’. The militant group has bombed schools, churches and even mosques. Kidnapped many and assassinated innocent men and women alike.
It made headlines again this week with the abduction of more than 100 poor school girls in the town of chibok, borno state, in the north-east Nigeria. After a fierce gun battle with soldiers, the militants herded the girls out of their warm beds and unto some buses and sped off. As we speak, there is no positive result as to their whereabouts.  All we hear is a 50 million naira reward for any information leading to their whereabouts. Now, that’s the only situations where ‘our mother’ donates money to charity. Instead of expending the  money on vital things that would provide us with the best ‘breast milk’ that we obviously lack.
Or did you not hear about the killing of those innocent 49 future leaders that were wasted in yobe state recently? How about the nyanya park bomb explosion leaving over 200 lives roasted like Mama Bisi’s roasted yam. Hmmmm! Meanwhile, nothing justiciable has been done as regards the case of Aluu 4 of over one year. Perhaps, they have forgotten about it. But d bell still rings loudly in our hearts. The only just thing known to our leaders is to allot and share the national cake everyday while an average citizen dwells in hunger and abject poverty with over 63% living below $1 daily implying a decline in equity. Another form of ‘justice’ known to them is to fly overseas whenever they develop the slightest headache, all in the name of medical check-up, when a common #20 Emzor paracetamol would have done the magic. Their chidren sit in the same classrooms with president obama or queen of England’s children. Forgetting that Mr. Obi, a common gatekeeper cannot even sponsor his only child Chike through a community public school.
What I see in the hearts of our beloved leaders is greed, covetousness, avidity, self-centeredness and huge appetite for theft.
I really hope for God’s quick intervention for when I look at these whole, the only question that comes to my mind is WHERE IS THE NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT?

follow me on twitter @ormorelarah
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  1. I wish this article could get to the top

  2. I don't even think prayers can help us anymore, cos God won't come down to help us. A revolution is what we need. Nice article.

  3. The best is top carry out a revolution like j j rowlings did in ghana

  4. great work....and I love your blog

  5. The truth is bitter but optional, ,the wise only speaks it out,,i cried in agony for the 100 female students, ,اخرجنا من هذا البلد الظالمين اهلها

  6. I love this write up.keep it up

  7. This is marvelous...

  8. Keep it up ORI...ur best is yet to come

  9. Very well composed. But I must say that this mother(Nigeria) has turned out to be deaf or is pretending to be, so the child must cease crying and start to help himself. The evil actions of the bad won't stop until the good starts to act too. I'm sure something done to.change our situation in this country...I don't know what it is but I'm sure it isn't wars or killings neither is it sharing blames but actions which we must all take. Change lies in our hands, our future is ours to decide. God bless Nigeria!

  10. This is a nice article. You are doing great Roimot. I like reading your blog.

  11. Glad to know this blog still exists. It should be revived
